Bill Moyers

American journalist

Bill Moyers is an acclaimed American journalist and political commentator who served as White House Press Secretary under the Johnson administration. He has been extensively involved in public broadcasting, producing award-winning documentaries and news programs, and is known for his incisive critique of the corporate-controlled U.S. news media.


About the Bill Moyers

Bill Moyersis an American journalist and political commentator. Under the Johnson administration he served from 1965 to 1967 as the eleventh White House Press Secretary. He was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, from 1967 to 1974. He also worked as a network TV news commentator for ten years. Moyers has been extensively involved with public broadcasting, producing documentaries and news journal programs, and has won many awards and honorary degrees for his investigative journalism and civic activities. He has become well known as a trenchant critic of the corporately structured U.S. news media.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bill Moyers served as the eleventh White House Press Secretary under the Johnson administration from 1965 to 1967.

Bill Moyers was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1967 to 1974 and worked as a network TV news commentator for ten years.

Bill Moyers is known for his investigative journalism and civic activities, having produced many award-winning documentaries and news journal programs. He has also become well known as a trenchant critic of the corporately structured U.S. news media.

Bill Moyers was born on June 5, 1934, with the birth name Billy Don Moyers.

In addition to his work in public broadcasting, Bill Moyers has also worked as a network TV news commentator for ten years.

Bill Moyers has won many awards and honorary degrees for his investigative journalism and civic activities.

Bill Moyers has become well known as a trenchant critic of the corporately structured U.S. news media.

20 Quotes by Bill Moyers

  1. 1.

    Democracy belongs to those who exercise it.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  2. 2.

    I work for him despite his faults and he lets me work for him despite my deficiencies.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  3. 3.

    The printed page conveys information and commitment, and requires active involvement. Television conveys emotion and experience, and it’s very limited in what it can do logically. It’s an existential experience – there and then gone.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  4. 4.

    What’s right and good doesn’t come naturally. You have to stand up and fight for it – as if the cause depends on you, because it does.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  5. 5.

    We don’t care really about children as a society and television reflects that indifference to children as human beings.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  6. 6.

    We see more and more of our Presidents and know less and less about what they do.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  7. 7.

    Hyperbole was to Lyndon Johnson what oxygen is to life.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  8. 8.

    As a student I learned from wonderful teachers and ever since then I’ve thought everyone is a teacher.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  9. 9.

    Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  10. 10.

    Ideas are great arrows, but there has to be a bow. And politics is the bow of idealism.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  11. 11.

    War, except in self-defense, is a failure of moral imagination.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  12. 12.

    Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  13. 13.

    Democracy may not prove in the long run to be as efficient as other forms of government, but it has one saving grace: it allows us to know and say that it isn’t.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  14. 14.

    Our very lives depend on the ethics of strangers, and most of us are always strangers to other people.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  15. 15.

    When I learn something new – and it happens every day – I feel a little more at home in this universe, a little more comfortable in the nest.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  16. 16.

    I own and operate a ferocious ego.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  17. 17.

    America’s corporate and political elites now form a regime of their own and they’re privatizing democracy. All the benefits – the tax cuts, policies and rewards flow in one direction: up.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  18. 18.

    For the first time in our history, ideology and theology hold a monopoly of power in Washington.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  19. 19.

    There are honest journalists like there are honest politicians – they stay bought.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist

  20. 20.

    This is the first time in my 32 years in public broadcasting that PBS has ordered up programs for ideological instead of journalistic reasons.

    Bill Moyers

    American journalist