Anne Tyler
American novelist
Clifford Paul “Cliff” Stollis an American astronomer, author and teacher.
He is best known for his investigation in 1986, while working as a system administrator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, that led to the capture of hacker Markus Hess, and for Stoll’s subsequent book The Cuckoo’s Egg, in which he details the investigation.
Table of Contents
Clifford Paul “Cliff” Stollis an American astronomer, author and teacher.
He is best known for his investigation in 1986, while working as a system administrator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, that led to the capture of hacker Markus Hess, and for Stoll’s subsequent book The Cuckoo’s Egg, in which he details the investigation.
Stoll has written three books as well as articles in the non-specialist presson the Curta mechanical calculator and the slide rule, and is a frequent contributor to the mathematics YouTube channel Numberphile.
The Internet is a telephone system that’s gotten uppity.
American astronomer
When I’m online, I’m alone in a room, tapping on a keyboard, staring at a cathode-ray tube.
American astronomer
Why is it drug addicts and computer afficionados are both called users?
American astronomer
Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months.
American astronomer
If you don’t have an E-mail address, you’re in the Netherworld. If you don’t have your own World Wide Web page, you’re a nobody.
American astronomer
While I admire the insights of many of the people in the world of computing, I get this cold feeling that I speak a different language.
American astronomer
Merely that I have a World Wide Web page does not give me any power, any abilities, nor any status in the real world.
American astronomer
Data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not understanding, understanding is not wisdom.
American astronomer
Computers in classrooms are the filmstrips of the 1990s.
American astronomer
Rather than bringing me closer to others, the time that I spend online isolates me from the most important people in my life, my family, my friends, my neighbourhood, my community.
American astronomer