Marilyn vos Savant
American magazine columnist, author and lecturer
Dominique Marie Francois Rene Galouzeau de Villepinis a French politician who served as Prime Minister of France from 31 May 2005 to 17 May 2007 under President Jacques Chirac.
In his career working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, De Villepin rose through the ranks of the French right as one of Chirac’s proteges.
Table of Contents
Patrick de Villepin
Veronique Albanel
Marie-Laure de Villepin
Marie de Villepin
Arthur de Villepin
Victoire de Villepin
Dominique Marie Francois Rene Galouzeau de Villepinis a French politician who served as Prime Minister of France from 31 May 2005 to 17 May 2007 under President Jacques Chirac.
In his career working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, De Villepin rose through the ranks of the French right as one of Chirac’s proteges. He came into the international spotlight as Minister of Foreign Affairs with his opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, one year after his appointment to the office, which culminated with a speech to the United Nations. Before his tenure as prime minister, he also served as Minister of the Interior (2004-2005).
After being replaced by Francois Fillon as prime minister, De Villepin was indicted in connection with the Clearstream affair; he was subsequently cleared of charges of complicity in allowing false accusations to proceed against presidential rival Nicolas Sarkozy regarding bribes paid on a sale of warships to Taiwan. De Villepin enjoyed a modest return to public favour for his public critique of President Sarkozy’s style of “imperial rule”.
De Villepin has written poetry, a book about poetry, and several historical and political essays, along with a study of Napoleon. He is an honorary member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.
Between an uncontrolled escalation and passivity, there is a demanding road of responsibility that we must follow.
95th Prime Minister of France
Using the right of veto would be shooting the Americans in the back.
95th Prime Minister of France
I would like to tell our American, British and Spanish friends that the Iraqi crisis is not a problem between the United States and France, but between those who want to move forward in the logic of war and the international community.
95th Prime Minister of France