Helen Garner

Australian author

Helen Garneris an Australian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist. Garner’s first novel, Monkey Grip, published in 1977, immediately established her as an original voice on the Australian literary scene–it is now widely considered a classic.

About the Helen Garner

Helen Garneris an Australian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist. Garner’s first novel, Monkey Grip, published in 1977, immediately established her as an original voice on the Australian literary scene–it is now widely considered a classic. She has a reputation for incorporating and adapting her personal experiences in her fiction, something that has brought her widespread attention, particularly with her novels Monkey Grip and The Spare Roomabout a sexual-harassment scandal in a university college. She has also written for film and theatre, and has consistently won awards for her work, including the Walkley Award for a 1993 Time magazine report. Adaptations of two of her works have appeared as feature films: her debut novel, Monkey Grip, and her true-crime book Joe Cinque’s Consolationsite has characterised her as one of Australia’s “most important and admired writers”, while The Guardian referred to her as “Australia’s greatest living writer”.

18 Quotes by Helen Garner

  1. 1.

    Writers seem to me to be people who need to retire from social life and do a lot of thinking about what’s happened – almost to calm themselves.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  2. 2.

    I think some people wished I’d kept myself out of the book. But I kind of insist on it because I want the reader to share my engagement with the material, if you like, not pretend that I’m doing it completely intellectually.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  3. 3.

    Now, I – for several years while I was researching this book, I felt quite obsessed by thoughts about sentencing, punishment, how judges arrive at their decisions.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  4. 4.

    We were in a great, seething moment in the 1970s. There was a new Labour government and everything seemed full of hope… But, as we got older and we saw how much women’s behaviour contributed to what was wrong, we stopped being able to see ourselves purely as.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  5. 5.

    But there are some wounds that can never be healed.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  6. 6.

    But I can’t bear it when somebody who some man made a pass at – to call that violence seems to me absurd and insulting to women who’ve really met violence, who’ve been raped or bashed.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  7. 7.

    At the time it seemed like a natural development of my interest in what was going on around me in society.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  8. 8.

    The only thing that I was equipped for with my very mediocre college Arts degree was to get a job in teaching.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  9. 9.

    Well, I’m at some kind of crossroads in my life and I don’t know which way to take. It’s not about money, I mean, because I’m established enough now as a writer to get a reasonable advance if I wanted to do fiction.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  10. 10.

    But I now think what I was doing, in a completely unconscious way, was getting off the turf where my husband and I might be rivals. We were both working in fiction… so I look back and I see that I consciously vacated the contested ground.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  11. 11.

    I’m very disturbed by violence against women when it is violence.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  12. 12.

    People demand a lot of the justice system and they demand things that it can’t deliver.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  13. 13.

    I think writers are very anxious.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  14. 14.

    That’s one of the things I hope that the book can do, is to restore some dignity to Joe Cinque.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  15. 15.

    The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfilment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  16. 16.

    I like poking my nose into other people’s lives.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  17. 17.

    It’s disturbing at my age to look at a young woman’s destructive behaviour and hear the echoes of it, of one’s own destructiveness in youth.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author

  18. 18.

    It’s a terrific privilege to be able to see into somebody else’s life.

    Helen Garner

    Australian author