Edmund Burke
Anglo-Irish statesman, political theorist and conservative philosopher (1729-1797)
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
John Malcolm Fraser was an Australian politician who served as the 22nd prime minister of Australia from 1975 to 1983. He held office as the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia.
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John Malcolm Fraser was an Australian politician who served as the 22nd prime minister of Australia from 1975 to 1983. He held office as the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia.
Fraser was raised on his father’s sheep stations, and after studying at Magdalen College, Oxford, returned to Australia to take over the family property in the Western District of Victoria. After an initial defeat in 1954, he was elected to the Australian House of Representatives at the 1955 federal election, as a member of parliamentfor the division of Wannon. He was 25 at the time, making him one of the youngest people ever elected to parliament. He is the latest Prime Minister to date who represented a rural constituency. When Harold Holt became prime minister in 1966, Fraser was appointed Minister for the Army. After Holt’s disappearance and replacement by John Gorton, Fraser became Minister for Education and Scienceand then Minister for Defencefor the first time, effectively ending the White Australia policy. His government also established the Special Broadcasting Serviceand the Commonwealth of Nations, and was president of the aid agency CARE from 1990 to 1995. He resigned his membership of the Liberal Party in 2009 after the election of Tony Abbott as leader, Fraser having been a critic of the Liberals’ policy direction for a number of years. Evaluations of Fraser’s prime ministership have been mixed. He is generally credited with restoring stability to the country after a series of short-term leaders and has been praised for his commitment to multiculturalism and opposition to apartheid in South Africa, but the circumstances of his entry to office remains controversial and many have viewed his government as a lost opportunity for economic reform. His seven and a half-year tenure as prime minister is the fourth longest in Australian history, only surpassed by Bob Hawke, John Howard and Robert Menzies.
In the last twelve years, we have come some distance towards reconciliation and the breaking down of disadvantage. Let us take encouragement from what has been achieved and set our minds and hearts to end the remaining roadblocks.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Health economists have estimated that an injection of $250 million per year in Indigenous clinical care, and $50 million in preventative care, is required to provide services at the same level as for any other group with the health conditions of Indigenous Australians.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
If we had, we would have realised sooner that Indigenous organisations are sometimes not the appropriate channel for programmes to help the stolen generations, because many of them play little part in Indigenous associations.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Yet there are thousands of Indigenous people searching for family members.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Three years ago the Government announced the creation of Reconciliation Place, and said that it would include a memorial to those removed from their families. However, they refused to include any of those who were removed in the design of their own memorial.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
People die because they find living too painful.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Reconciliation requires changes of heart and spirit, as well as social and economic change. It requires symbolic as well as practical action.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
We are lagging far behind comparable countries in overcoming the disadvantages Indigenous people face.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Maoris now own over half the commercial fishing industry in New Zealand.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Solutions will not be found while Indigenous people are treated as victims for whom someone else must find solutions.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Last year the National Sorry Day Committee consulted with stolen generations people in every State and Territory, and concluded that programmes set up in response to the Bringing Them Home Report are reaching only a small fraction of those they are intended to help.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Over 120 Aboriginal communities run their own health services – some have been doing so for 30 years. They struggle with difficult medical problems. They also try to deal with counselling, stolen generations issues, family relationships, violence, suicide prevention.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
We are seeing healing among the stolen generations, and initiatives which are enabling Indigenous people to make their distinctive contribution to our national life.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
There are no quick fixes to Indigenous poverty and social disaster.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)
Sorry Day falls on the eve of Reconciliation Week, giving us the chance to ask whether we are making progress in the wider challenge of reconciling Indigenous and other Australians.
Australian politician, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (1930-2015)