Mike Leigh
English writer and director (born 1943)
Philip James Baileywas an English Spasmodic poet, best known as the author of Festus.
Art is man’s nature; nature is God’s art.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
What men call accident is God’s own part.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Kindness is wisdom.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
America, thou half-brother of the world; with something good and bad of every land.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Let each man think himself an act of God, His mind a thought, his life a breath of God; And let each try, by great thoughts and good deeds, To show the most of Heaven he hath in him.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
There is no surer mark of the absence of the highest moral and intellectual qualities than a cold reception of excellence.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Simplicity is natures first step, and the last of art.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Envy’s a coal comes hissing hot from Hell.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Music tells no truths.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
The long days are no happier than the short ones.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Respect is what we owe; love, what we give.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Prayer is the spirit speaking truth to Truth.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
The sole equality on earth is death.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Poets are all who love, who feel great truths, And tell them; and the truth of truths is love.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)
Imagination is the air of mind.
British writer and poet (1816-1902)