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Steve Blake

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9 Quotes by Steve Blake

  1. 1.

    I fell in love with Scotland and made good friends here, so I stayed after graduating with Honours in Chemistry.

    Steve Blake

  2. 2.

    I am a passionate believer that Britain has benefited the whole world and that our heritage, our culture, our values and more importantly our people who created those things, are worth fighting for.

    Steve Blake

  3. 3.

    We have views on social issues that may seem to some that we are hard-line Tories. However our economics policies and our opposition to the process called globalisation could be considered by some to place us on the far-left of conventional politics.

    Steve Blake

  4. 4.

    We have to withdraw from this undemocratic institution and ensure that these people no longer have any influence on British affairs. We would like to see other European nations do the same thing. I think that will happen.

    Steve Blake

  5. 5.

    We have to make it clear that one, two or even three BNP MEPs elected to Brussels will have very little effect on the workings of the Parliament and the Commission.

    Steve Blake

  6. 6.

    Globalisation, which benefits only multi-national companies and takes away all sense of local or national pride and identity, is the biggest threat facing all the member states of the EU.

    Steve Blake

  7. 7.

    We embrace policies that have, first and foremost, the continued survival of the British people at their core, and in that respect I think we are beyond left and right.

    Steve Blake

  8. 8.

    We have a set of sensible policies that are appropriate for the 21st century and which strike a chord of appeal with the silent majority. Perhaps that is why we are welcoming new members every week who have never before been involved in politics.

    Steve Blake

  9. 9.

    Today a racist is synonymous with race hatred. Hating someone is a pretty unpleasant thing and few people are capable of hating others. Long-term hatred is a pathological disorder.

    Steve Blake