The Good QuoteThe Good Quote

Quote #166371 from Leon Uris

English of course is your major tool, but it is not nearly so important as other aspects of writing for example you have to have some natural ability you can't buy it no one puts it there you're born with it.

Leon Uris,

American Writer
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About the author

Leon Uris was a writer of epic novels, but his greatest accomplishment was writing a book that was so long, it had its own zip code! He was also known for his daring plots and characters, so much so that some people called him the "Indiana Jones of novelists". But the truth is, Leon Uris was a lot more than just a daring writer - he was a master of witty dialogue and wordplay! He could take any topic and turn it into a hilarious joke or pun, making his books a delight to read. So, if you ever find yourself in need of a good laugh, just pick up one of Leon Uris' books - you won't regret it!

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