Married sex is like being awake during your own autopsy. It is root canal work without anesthetic.

About Al Goldstein

Alvin Goldsteinwas an American pornographer best known for helping normalize hardcore pornography in the United States.

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More quotes from Al Goldstein

Our stock in trade is raw, flailing sex.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

To date or not to date that is the question. It’s almost as important as Shakespeare’s to be or not to be which deals with death.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

I refuse to be silenced.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Married life is an existence with bars around it.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

You need fighters like me to battle, because frankly The New York Times and the Washington Post are not going to fight the fights that I do.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

A self made man is a rarity and hated by the parasites that floated to fame thought their parents, relatives and contacts.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Our photographs are filthier and our stories are more disgusting. We make no effort to be artistic.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Celebrity gives us delusion of self importance.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

I am not a prisoner of my sexuality like men younger than myself although I write about being a prisoner.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Love is a deception and a trap. Love is as big a myth that God sits with his flowing white beard in a throne and looks at us.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

So, if anatomy is destiny then testosterone is doom.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Philosophy is an attempt by man to find cause and effect. Religion has the same goal.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Since fame is an illusion and death is in our future all we have is the next moment before we are swallowed into oblivion.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Even though marriage is doomed, if you turned it into a job you like and really work at it – it can be salvaged.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

In reality there is no cause or effect, there is only the indifference of the universe.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

For me working on the marriage and not making the easy choice of cheating was something that I could not do.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

Married sex is like being awake during your own autopsy. It is root canal work without anesthetic.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

If you cannot work on the marriage or the women is a moron, staying married and cheating makes the most sense because divorce is disruptive to the family life and your bank account.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

I’m a crusader. I really believe in the First Amendment, and I use it fully, and I pay a price for that.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

I keep attacking the villains, the know-nothings, the people who want to take our freedoms away.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

When every piece of furniture and your underwear are taken by the bank, when you lose your house in Florida, in New York, in Amsterdam and L.A., when your wife is dying and your son abandons you, you don’t feel very good.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

The true success is the person who invented himself.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

There is a cliche that men want their women to be ladies in public and hookers behind closed doors. I want my woman to be the sharper image robot so that she can be turned off.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)

The only way marriage can work is if a man respects the woman and she is a thinking woman and he wants to work on the marriage.

Al Goldstein

American publisher (1936-2013)