Every Friday I used to have about fifty, sixty kids who would wait for me on Sunset Boulevard and I’d take them all to dinner. All runaways.
More quotes from Al Lewis
I probably worked every single entertainment medium, including some that don’t exist. I worked the circus, carnival, I had my own medicine show, I worked 18 years of radio.
Understood what the struggle was about. My mother. Couldn’t read or write, but she had more sense than many a graduate from Harvard.
I went to all the Love-Ins. I took my kids. I enjoyed myself.
I think people need housing. And there’s empty buildings, I think people should live in there. If you want to call them squatters, trespassers, hey, I call Wall Street thieves!
There’s more to anybody. Just because you haven’t noticed it, that’s your problem, that’s not mine.
I have an old brain but a terrific memory.
As long as you gave it your best shot, even if in the opinion of others “you failed,” you didn’t fail.
What motivated me? My mother. My mother was an immigrant woman, a peasant woman, struggled all her life, worked in the garment center.
But find something that you absolutely love doing. And then get to love the way you do it. That’s the uniqueness of all of us. That’s it.
I’m for everyone having the opportunity to accept a $150,000 bribe.
I’m more important to me than any body you can mention. Do you know that?
I’ve been in the struggle over seventy years – it doesn’t bother me I may not win.
Oscar Wilde said the rich and the poor are equal – they can both sleep under the bridge. Right? Do they have a right? You’re damn right they have a right!
I prefer that for my own satisfaction over radio, there’s no audience. TV, there’s no audience. I need the response of the audience, even if it’s a silent response.
The United States, per capita, at a certain period in its history, had the most junkies of any country ever in the world – right after the Civil War. The most brutal war, the greatest amount of casualties that America’s ever had.
The struggle goes on. The victory is in the struggle, for me. And I accepted that a long time ago.
My secret for success? I don’t know what the hell success means.
I was an organizer in the Food, Agricultural and Tobacco Workers Union down in North Carolina.
Every Friday I used to have about fifty, sixty kids who would wait for me on Sunset Boulevard and I’d take them all to dinner. All runaways.
The ruling class is smarter than you, and they’re more creative. And if you forget that lesson, you go down the drain. Because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be around as long as they have been and as strong as they have been.
America gets the politicians they deserve. That’s it. And you keep struggling.
I know who I am. I don’t have to brag. I know what I contributed. I know what I did. You think you can do it better? Hey, go right ahead. The stage is yours.