If you’re a preacher, you talk for a living, so even if you don’t make sense, you learn to make nonsense eloquently.

About Andrew Young


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More quotes from Andrew Young

I tried. But not everybody thought so.

Andrew Young


No one who’s white thinks he’s innocent. No one who’s black thinks he’s guilty.

Andrew Young


Wishing of all strategies, is the worst.

Andrew Young


The commercialization of sport is the democratization of sport.

Andrew Young


Nothing is illegal if one hundred businessmen decide to do it.

Andrew Young


If you’re a preacher, you talk for a living, so even if you don’t make sense, you learn to make nonsense eloquently.

Andrew Young


We rise in glory as we sink in pride.

Andrew Young


It is a blessing to die for a cause, because you can so easily die for nothing.

Andrew Young


Civil rights leaders are involved in helping poor people. That’s what I’ve been doing all my life.

Andrew Young


President Jimmy Carter was a citizen soldier. Ironically, he was considered weak because he didn’t kill anybody and he didn’t get anyone killed.

Andrew Young


I have about concluded that wealth is a state of mind, and that anyone can acquire a wealthy state of mind by thinking rich thoughts.

Andrew Young


Influence is like a savings account. The less you use it, the more you’ve got.

Andrew Young


My hope for my children must be that they respond to the still, small voice of God in their own hearts.

Andrew Young


On the soft bed of luxury many kingdoms have expired.

Andrew Young


In a world where change is inevitable and continuous, the need to achieve that change without violence is essential for survival.

Andrew Young


Look at those they call unfortunate and at a closer view, you’ll find many of them are unwise.

Andrew Young


Tomorrow is the day when idlers work, and fool reform, and mortal men lay hold on heaven.

Andrew Young


To find people who don’t want anything is rare.

Andrew Young


Moral power is probably best when it is not used. The less you use it the more you have.

Andrew Young


I have committed my life to helping the poor, and I believe that if more companies followed Wal-Mart’s lead in providing opportunity and savings to those who need it most, more Americans battling poverty would realize the American dream.

Andrew Young


Once the Xerox copier was invented, diplomacy died.

Andrew Young
