I was one of the founders in, in that, the three of us all had the, had the founder’s stock.
About Arthur Rock
Arthur Rockis an American businessman and investor. Based in Silicon Valley, California, he was an early investor in major firms including Intel, Apple, Scientific Data Systems and Teledyne.
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IBM decided they were going to enter the copying business in 1968.
American businessman
My father was an immigrant from Russia and my mother was first generation.
American businessman
You know, a lot of people are just interested in, in building a company so they can make money and get out.
American businessman
And we invested three hundred thousand dollars, became the lead investor and I became Chairman of the Board of Scientific Data Systems, as I was at Intel for a while.
American businessman
I was one of the founders in, in that, the three of us all had the, had the founder’s stock.
American businessman
Well, I was born and raised in Rochester, New York.
American businessman
And then lo and behold IBM, Apple and Motorola took an ad in all the newspapers, double page ad, and said, announcing the chip that they were now able to manufacture it and that they were going to kill Intel.
American businessman
Killing Intel, I, I just had to resign from the Apple Board.
American businessman
People come in with business plans and, I mean I know that no one is going to meet everything they say in a business plan but you got to have something to, to guide towards.
American businessman
I think they, Peter McCullough was, turns out was not a good CEO.
American businessman
So I, I knew something in a business sense about semiconductors and I appreciated their possibilities.
American businessman
And what I’m interested in is investing in people.
American businessman
I mean I wasn’t a founder in the sense that I contributed anything scientifically but in the sense that I signed the corporation papers and, and owned founder’s stock.
American businessman
Which, the first meeting with anybody is, you know, everybody is on their best behavior. It’s only after you get to know them for a while that you figure out.
American businessman