Carbon is probably a bit harder to wrap since it’s procedural.
About Bill Hayden
William George Hayden was an Australian politician who served as the 21st governor-general of Australia from 1989 to 1996. He was Leader of the Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition from 1977 to 1983, and served as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade from 1983 to 1988 under Bob Hawke and as Treasurer of Australia in 1975 under Gough Whitlam.
More quotes from Bill Hayden
Carbon is probably a bit harder to wrap since it’s procedural.
former Governor-General of Australia from 1989 to 1996
Cosmoe works on any of the standard filesystems available for Linux.
former Governor-General of Australia from 1989 to 1996
Stock kernels will be the norm for some time.
former Governor-General of Australia from 1989 to 1996
Support for alternate languages will largely depend on the underlying OS.
former Governor-General of Australia from 1989 to 1996
Cosmoe is nearing the stage where I would feel comfortable doing a preliminary release aimed at developers.
former Governor-General of Australia from 1989 to 1996