In my home State of Louisiana, several institutions of higher education have been impacted by both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, literally dozens across the entire State.
Meaning of the quote
The quote explains that many colleges and universities in Louisiana were severely damaged by the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. These natural disasters caused harm to dozens of educational institutions across the entire state.

About Bobby Jindal
Bobby Jindal, a former Republican governor of Louisiana, had an impressive political career, serving in various roles at the state and federal levels. His journey included stints as a U.S. representative, the youngest-ever president of the University of Louisiana System, and a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
More quotes from Bobby Jindal
As we embrace the American dream and the freedoms it represents, we must also ensure that those who wish to enjoy those freedoms become a part of our society and learn to speak our language.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Police officials routinely execute search warrants on private homes and offices, and Congressional offices should not be treated any differently. There cannot be one set of rules for elected officials and another set of rules for everyone else.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Members of Congress must live according to the same laws as everyone else.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
When a law enforcement officer apprehends an illegal immigrant, it makes no sense to simply release that individual who has been breaking our laws with no threat of sanction or penalty.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Congress did a good thing back in 1995 in passing the Deep Water Royalty Relief Act. That act did a simple thing. It provided automatic royalty relief for new leases for 5 years in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
We should increase our development of alternative fuels, taking advantage of renewable resources, like using corn and sugar to produce ethanol or soybeans to produce biodiesel.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
We need to break our dependency on foreign sources of oil, which leaves us at the mercy of foreign powers. To do that, we should increase domestic energy production.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
You can look at that by comparing Medicare’s growth rates to the private insurance world, to the other Federal programs that we run, by looking at the billions of dollars, not millions but billions of dollars, we waste every year.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
In my home State of Louisiana, several institutions of higher education have been impacted by both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, literally dozens across the entire State.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
In the aftermath of September 11th, it is critical to secure our borders.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Thirty percent of the Nation’s energy comes off the gulf coast.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
The threat of terrorism is great and with today’s porous borders, someone could bring a biological weapon into our country or sneak a dirty bomb across unmanned portions of our borders.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Our culture, language, history, and values are vital to uniting us as a nation.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
India, in particular, is looking to develop nuclear power for domestic, commercial use, and we should work with them. This is a good deal for both countries.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
When I ran for Congress I promised to help make health care affordable again.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Louisiana loses 30 miles a year off our coast. We lost 100 miles last year off our coast thanks to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We have lost a size of land equivalent to the entire state of Rhode Island.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
The shell fishing industry represents a major part of Louisiana’s economy.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
The recent riots in France demonstrate the problem European countries face where second and third generation immigrants still do not consider themselves French, German, or English.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Finally, we should help developing nations like China and India curb their exponentially increasing consumption of oil and natural gas, which is driving world prices higher.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Anybody who spends time off of Louisiana’s shores can recognize that these oysters are not endangered. To classify them as such risks great harm to not only fishermen who make their living collecting oysters in the Gulf, but also to Louisiana’s economy in total.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
On Thanksgiving I will stop to give thanks that my family is safe and healthy, especially because I realize that, following the tragedies of this year, it is all too real a possibility that they might not have been.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
Unfortunately, we are finding the bureaucratic inefficiencies and red tape have a tendency to slow the efforts of individuals and communities working to rebuild.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
As everyone in Louisiana knows, there was often no communication or coordination between the state and federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
First, we must stop issuing drivers’ licenses to people in our country illegally. Providing them with forms of government identification makes a mockery of our laws and undermines national security efforts.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
My background is in health care.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)
The Nation needs to take a new approach to our energy problems.
American politician and 55th governor of Louisiana (born 1971)