I did not see any major issues other than the jury substitutions. I can’t know whether there’s a problem there, until I read the transcript from the in-chambers conference, when those jurors were excused.

About Catherine Crier
Catherine Jean Crier is an American journalist and author of A Deadly Game and The Case Against Lawyers.
She was the youngest elected state judge in Texas history at age thirty and served as a Texas State District Judge for the 162nd District Court.
More quotes from Catherine Crier
I don’t think Amber taped Scott or testified for money, but the opportunity certainly presented itself. It makes me a bit uncomfortable, but at least she never sold the story before trial to the tabloids.
American judge
Some people may have noticed the new computer shelf at the anchor desk. Rather than phone calls, we want to take real time e-mails, and we’ll be starting that very soon.
American judge
I grew up training and showing Arabs all over the US. Three of my four were bred on my farm in Texas. Thanks everyone! Hope you’ll watch tomorrow. It’s going to be another great look back.
American judge
I loved being a judge, and sometimes I miss the power of the gavel, but this is a lot more fun.
American judge
Over the years you encounter just about every kind of crime. It doesn’t harden you, but you become capable of reporting on just about anything human beings can do. However, any time we’re dealing with the murder of a child it is always difficult.
American judge
I think either Robert Blake wither pulled the trigger or hired someone to do it, but it will be a tough case to prove. I think there’s a very good chance he may take the stand, and that’s what I’m waiting for.
American judge
Donald Beardslee is set for execution this week in California. His crimes were about twenty years ago, but it will be the first execution in California in quite some time.
American judge
It has been a wonderful five years. I’m excited about the many projects we’re working on as we move into year six, and I want to thank everyone for tuning in. We couldn’t do it without you!
American judge
The judge gave Michael permission to issue a statement. I think Jackson went way outside the bounds of the judge’s intent. It will be interesting to see what the judge does tomorrow in court.
American judge
My children are all doing just fine. The mountain dogs are great in this weather. The yorkies are freezing.
American judge
The Petersons have not come forward in the press. Apparently they feel the media bears a large responsibility for Scott’s conviction. It may be a while before we hear anything from them.
American judge
The judge decided in this case that both the state and the defense would have the opportunity to respond to certain kinds of press. This is one such instance.
American judge
I did not see any major issues other than the jury substitutions. I can’t know whether there’s a problem there, until I read the transcript from the in-chambers conference, when those jurors were excused.
American judge
Obviously, the most memorable has a lot to do with the time spent on the matter, and the Westerfield and Peterson cases are up at the top of the list.
American judge
I’ve heard rumors that the Petersons are writing a book. It will be very interesting to see what they have to say, but I don’t know anything about the Rochas.
American judge