I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this for a year in my imagination.

About Cornelia Funke

Cornelia Maria Funkeis a German author of children’s fiction. Born in Dorsten, North Rhine-Westphalia, she began her career as a social worker before becoming a book illustrator.

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I love to read, I love to watch movies, and I love to be with my children.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I just did a picture book called The Wildest Brother on Earth, and you will find both of my children in there.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I have two Iceland horses, a very hairy dog called Looney, and a guinea pig.

Cornelia Funke

German author

Oh, I think every author is inspired by all of the books that she reads.

Cornelia Funke

German author

A library book, I imagine, is a happy book.

Cornelia Funke

German author

And I plan to write a sequel to Dragon Rider.

Cornelia Funke

German author

My son always says I like very weird music.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I always thought it hadn’t influenced me very much, but I heard from many people from England that many motives from German fairytales are to be found in my books.

Cornelia Funke

German author

Second, there are so many magical places in books that you can’t go to, like Hogwarts and Middle Earth, so I wanted to set a story in a place where children can actually go.

Cornelia Funke

German author

And my father always took me to the library. We were both book addicts.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I live in Hamburg; that’s in the north. And I live on the outskirts of town. It looks like countryside.

Cornelia Funke

German author

Everything gets to me. I’m very sentimental.

Cornelia Funke

German author

Yes, I always imagined living in other places.

Cornelia Funke

German author

Every reader knows about the feeling that characters in books seem more real than real people.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I wish I had more time to visit schools.

Cornelia Funke

German author

Every German child learns to speak English in school.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I love to read aloud.

Cornelia Funke

German author

My daughter, Anna, is almost 15, and my son, Ben, is almost 10.

Cornelia Funke

German author

If I was a book, I would like to be a library book, so I would be taken home by all different sorts of kids.

Cornelia Funke

German author

There are not so many mythical creatures from Inkheart.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this for a year in my imagination.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I like to visit my horse, have a walk with my dog.

Cornelia Funke

German author

And I always read the English translation and always have conversations with my translator, for example about the names. I always have to approve it.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I will try to write books until I drop dead.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I like a composer called Henry Purcell, and I love to listen to Neil Young.

Cornelia Funke

German author

My grandmother told stories; she was very good at that.

Cornelia Funke

German author

They are shooting The Thief Lord in Venice at the moment.

Cornelia Funke

German author

I don’t like to eat the same dish every day, so I read very different things.

Cornelia Funke

German author