I am accordingly ready; I have pressed as many Cabinet papers into trunks as to fill one carriage; our private property must be sacrificed, as it is impossible to procure wagons for its transportation.

Meaning of the quote

Dolley Madison was ready to leave the White House quickly. She packed as many important government documents as she could into trunks to fill up a carriage. She had to leave behind her own personal belongings because there were no wagons available to transport them. Sacrificing her private property was necessary since the situation was urgent and she needed to get the important government papers to safety.

About Dolley Madison

Dolley Madison, the wife of the 4th US president, was a pioneering social innovator who helped create the role of the First Lady. She famously saved a portrait of George Washington when the White House was burned by the British, and later struggled with poverty and her son’s mismanagement of their plantation. Historians consistently rank her among the most highly regarded First Ladies.

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