We shred every day.

About Fawn Hall
Fawn Hallis a former secretary to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North who gained fame for her role in the Iran-Contra affair by helping North shred confidential documents.
More quotes from Fawn Hall
I did not know many of the details relevant to the Iran and contra initiatives.
Fawn Hall
American civil servant
We shred every day.
Fawn Hall
American civil servant
And sometimes you have to go above the written law, I believe.
Fawn Hall
American civil servant
I felt uneasy, but sometimes, like I said before, I believed in Col. North and there was a very solid and very valid reason that he must have been doing this.
Fawn Hall
American civil servant
I think Col. North is first a U.S. citizen and he has the same rights as you yourself do, sir.
Fawn Hall
American civil servant