The real theater of the sex war is the domestic hearth.

Meaning of the quote

The quote suggests that the home is where the battle between men and women takes place. It means that the most important struggles and conflicts related to gender happen within the family and household, not in public spaces. The author is saying that the home is where the "war" between the sexes is really being fought.

About Germaine Greer


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More quotes from Germaine Greer

The compelled mother loves her child as the caged bird sings. The song does not justify the cage nor the love the enforcement.

Germaine Greer


There is no such thing as security. There never has been.

Germaine Greer


Act quickly, think slowly.

Germaine Greer


Evolution is what it is. The upper classes have always died out; it’s one of the most charming things about them.

Germaine Greer


Security is when everything is settled. When nothing can happen to you. Security is the denial of life.

Germaine Greer


If a person loves only one other person, and is indifferent to his fellow men, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism.

Germaine Greer


The real theater of the sex war is the domestic hearth.

Germaine Greer


Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. It has no mother.

Germaine Greer


You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.

Germaine Greer


Perhaps catastrophe is the natural human environment, and even though we spend a good deal of energy trying to get away from it, we are programmed for survival amid catastrophe.

Germaine Greer


One may not reach the dawn save by the path of the night.

Germaine Greer


I think that testosterone is a rare poison.

Germaine Greer


English culture is basically homosexual in the sense that the men only really care about other men.

Germaine Greer


The house wife is an unpaid employee in her husband’s house in return for the security of being a permanent employee.

Germaine Greer


Man is jealous because of his amour propre; woman is jealous because of her lack of it.

Germaine Greer


Never advise anyone to go to war or to get married. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. He that has no children brings them up well.

Germaine Greer


We in the West do not refrain from childbirth because we are concerned about the population explosion or because we feel we cannot afford children, but because we do not like children.

Germaine Greer


Perhaps women have always been in closer contact with reality than men: it would seem to be the just recompense for being deprived of idealism.

Germaine Greer


I didn’t fight to get women out from behind vacuum cleaners to get them onto the board of Hoover.

Germaine Greer


Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release.

Germaine Greer


Psychoanalysis is the confession without absolution.

Germaine Greer


The surest guide to the correctness of the path that women take is joy in the struggle. Revolution is the festival of the oppressed.

Germaine Greer


Loneliness is never more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone who has ceased to communicate.

Germaine Greer


Women are reputed never to be disgusted. The sad fact is that they often are, but not with men; following the lead of men, they are most often disgusted with themselves.

Germaine Greer


What we ought to see in the agonies of puberty is the result of the conditioning that maims the female personality in creating the feminine.

Germaine Greer


Even crushed against his brother in the Tube the average Englishman pretends desperately that he is alone.

Germaine Greer


Revolution is the festival of the oppressed.

Germaine Greer


The sight of women talking together has always made men uneasy; nowadays it means rank subversion.

Germaine Greer


Human beings have an inalienable right to invent themselves; when that right is pre-empted it is called brain-washing.

Germaine Greer


Only one thing is certain: if pot is legalized, it won’t be for our benefit but for the authorities. To have it legalized will also be to lose control of it.

Germaine Greer


Developing the muscles of the soul demands no competitive spirit, no killer instinct, although it may erect pain barriers that the spiritual athlete must crash through.

Germaine Greer


The essence of pleasure is spontaneity.

Germaine Greer


Australia is a huge rest home, where no unwelcome news is ever wafted on to the pages of the worst newspapers in the world.

Germaine Greer


Yet if a woman never lets herself go, how will she ever know how far she might have got? If she never takes off her high-heeled shoes, how will she ever know how far she could walk or how fast she could run?

Germaine Greer


The management of fertility is one of the most important functions of adulthood.

Germaine Greer


Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.

Germaine Greer


I have always been principally interested in men for sex. I’ve always thought any sane woman would be a lover of women because loving men is such a mess. I have always wished I’d fall in love with a woman. Damn.

Germaine Greer


The tragedy of machismo is that a man is never quite man enough.

Germaine Greer


Freedom is fragile and must be protected. To sacrifice it, even as a temporary measure, is to betray it.

Germaine Greer


All societies on the verge of death are masculine. A society can survive with only one man; no society will survive a shortage of women.

Germaine Greer


The principle of the brotherhood of man is narcissistic… for the grounds for that love have always been the assumption that we ought to realize that we are the same the whole world over.

Germaine Greer
