The secret is to be awake.To be awake is everything.
More quotes from Gustave Meyrink
To be awake is everything.
Gustave Meyrink
Read the sacred writings of all the peoples on Earth. Through all of them runs, like a red thread, the hidden Science of attaining and maintaining wakefulness.
Gustave Meyrink
The secret is to be awake.To be awake is everything.
Gustave Meyrink
Man is firmly convinced that he is awake; in reality he is caught in a net of sleep and dreams which he has unconsciously woven himself.
Gustave Meyrink
This goal can and must be attained in this life. But even if this does not happen, remember that he who has found the way once, always returns to this world with an internal maturity that enables him to continue his work.
Gustave Meyrink