I’m more likely to lose my temper on a film set than almost anywhere. Often the level of idiocy is so exalted that it’s impossible to comprehend.
More quotes from John Malkovich
Where women are concerned, the rule is never to go out with anyone better dressed than you.
I wouldn’t say anything I ever did in film would be something I’d use the word proud about. I’ve done better work in the theater.
I don’t want to be boring. But that’s not always easy.
My life before children I don’t really remember. I’ve heard references to it, but I really don’t remember.
I wasn’t really raised to be the type of person to have doubts.
If you don’t interfere with me, I’ll always do something really good.
I’m supposed to be a pretty good theater actor.
I’m more likely to lose my temper on a film set than almost anywhere. Often the level of idiocy is so exalted that it’s impossible to comprehend.
I’m more comfortable with whatever’s wrong with me than my father was whenever he felt he failed or didn’t measure up to the standard he set.
I don’t lose my temper very often now, and if I do, it’s well deserved.
I can have incredible self-discipline. But see, I think it’s obviously a form of stupidity.
You can’t work in the movies. Movies are all about lighting. Very few filmmakers will concentrate on the story. You get very little rehearsal time, so anything you do onscreen is a kind of speed painting.
There’s a reason screens are only this thick.
I wouldn’t describe myself as lacking in confidence, but I would just say that – the ghosts you chase you never catch.
I don’t think my parents know what I do.
Of course it’s trivial, but then most things are.
I only have two rules for my newly born daughter: she will dress well and never have sex.
I’ve permitted myself to learn and to fail with some regularity. And that is probably the one thing I was given, and that I’m still grateful for.
Some directors expect you to do everything; write, be producer, psychiatrist. Some just want you to die in a tragic accident during the shooting so they can get the insurance.
I was a very good baseball and football player, but my father always told me I was much more interested in how I looked playing baseball or football than in actually playing. There’s great truth in that.
Even if you do succeed most people wouldn’t notice anyway.
It’s not a gift of mine, but one given to me, to be able to criticise myself and not be crushed, by myself or by others.
I haven’t physically attacked anyone in a couple of years.
You have to do things people see or you don’t get to do anything.