I like that kind of ‘straight-faced’ comedy. I like to be straight-faced and outrageous.

Meaning of the quote

Nielsen is saying that he enjoys a certain type of comedy where the performer acts very serious, even when doing or saying something silly or ridiculous. He likes to keep a straight face while being over-the-top and exaggerated in his acting. This style of humor can be very funny because it creates an unexpected contrast between the performer's deadpan delivery and the absurdity of their actions.

About Leslie Nielsen

Leslie Nielsen was a Canadian actor and comedian who had a prolific career spanning over 60 years. He appeared in over 100 films and 150 TV shows, showcasing his versatility as both a dramatic and comedic performer. Despite his early success in serious roles, Nielsen is best remembered for his iconic deadpan comedy roles in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly in the Airplane! and Naked Gun franchises.

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More quotes from Leslie Nielsen

I’ve always been part of comedy. One of the things about our family was that if we were reasonably funny with each other, particularly my two brothers and myself, when my father was upset with something you’d want to make sure in some way you made him laugh. Because when he didn’t laugh, you were in trouble!

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

Doing nothing is very hard to do… you never know when you’re finished.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

I had to weave and play around with a honey bear, you know, and I could wrestle with him a little bit, but there’s no way you can even wrestle a honey bear, let alone a grizzly bear that’s standing ten feet to eleven feet tall! Can you imagine? But it was fascinating to work that close to that kind of animal.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

Shirley! Don’t call me Shirley!

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

The reason there’s a question mark on my front door is just in case I forget my address.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

The reason they call it ‘golf’ is that all the other 4 letter words were used up.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

The violence or the vaudeville style of comedy is a technique all by itself. You get up there, and you are a comedian, and you’re doing one thing. That is, you’re going to make the audience laugh.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

There were 15 people in the village, including five of us. If my father arrested somebody in the winter, he’d have to wait until the thaw to turn him in.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

I wore that same shirt yesterday playing golf. There goes the Nike account.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

There’s an old saying that God exists in your search for him. I just want you to understand that I ain’t looking.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

It was a boy’s name first.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

It’s been dawning on me slowly that for the past 35 years I have been cast against type, and I’m finally getting to do what I really wanted to do.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

I really have to keep an eye on myself, because sometimes I think I might say something important.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

I’ve finally found my home – as Lt. Frank Drebin.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

I played a lot of leaders, autocratic sorts; perhaps it was my Canadian accent.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

I have always loved science fiction. One of my favorite shows is ‘Star Trek.’ I like the trips, where it drops my mind off, because they give you a premise and all of a sudden, you say, ‘Oh!’ and I’m fascinated by it.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

It’s not really that I’ve been an advocate for hearing aids for a long time, it’s just that I’ve been losing my hearing for a long time! So it’s actually very important for me because I’m actually hearing impaired and I simply want to hear better!

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

I like that kind of ‘straight-faced’ comedy. I like to be straight-faced and outrageous.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

You know it’s very difficult to be an actor, and to have people depending on you to say the right line, at the right time, and to not be able to hear your cues! I can’t tell you how many times I would’ve had to have said What? if I didn’t have my hearing aids. So my hearing aids are a life saver, and they allow me to practice my craft.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)

Yes, it’s true, I’ve been called the Laurence Olivier of spoofs. I guess that would make Laurence Olivier the Leslie Nielsen of Shakespeare.

Leslie Nielsen

Canadian-American actor (1926-2010)