Never, never listen to anybody that try to discourage you.

About Mariah Carey

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More quotes from Mariah Carey

I don’t think anyone knows as much about what’s right for me as I do.

Mariah Carey

I’m not one of those people that goes into details of my personal life on national TV to get attention. Some things are better left unsaid.

Mariah Carey

I’d rather be onstage with a pig – a duet with Jennifer Lopez and me just ain’t going to happen.

Mariah Carey

I hope to be around past the 90’s. I don’t want to just be categorized as one of this era. My goal is to have a career that stands.

Mariah Carey

This is for all of you out there tonight, reaching for a dream – don’t ever give up! Never ever listen to anyone, when they try to discourage you, because they do that, believe me!

Mariah Carey

There is a light at the end of the tunnel… hopefully its not a freight train!

Mariah Carey

Basically, I started singing when I started talking. Music has just been my saving grace my whole life.

Mariah Carey

If you see me as just the princess then you misunderstand who I am and what I have been through.

Mariah Carey

I always felt like the rug could be pulled out from under me at anytime. And coming from a racially mixed background, I always felt like I didn’t really fit in anywhere.

Mariah Carey

Whatever you’re going through in your life, don’t ever give up.

Mariah Carey

If critics have problems with my personal life, it’s their problem. Anybody with half a brain would realize that it’s the charts that count.

Mariah Carey

Forget the image, forget the ensemble, forget the rumours, forget the short skirts, the big hair, whatever! I owe this to the fans and I will never forget you so I want to accept this award on behalf of all of you.

Mariah Carey

Never, never listen to anybody that try to discourage you.

Mariah Carey

Butterflies are always following me, everywhere I go.

Mariah Carey

One day I promised God that if he would give me my voice back I would never smoke again. I got three octaves back after quitting.

Mariah Carey

My heart has never been broken, I’ve never broken anyone else’s.

Mariah Carey

My mother is Irish, my father is black and Venezuelan, and me – I’m tan, I guess.

Mariah Carey

I don’t mind being compared to Whitney, there are people miles worse to be compared to.

Mariah Carey

I do not think I reinvent myself. Wearing my hair differently or changing my style of dress is playing dress-up. I don’t take it too seriously.

Mariah Carey

A lot of people are singing about how screwed up the world is, and I don’t think that everybody wants to hear about that all the time.

Mariah Carey

In this world, I call the shots and I think I know best.

Mariah Carey

It’s hard to be someone that people talk about and write about, you know? They don’t know me.

Mariah Carey