About that time, stronger features became fashionable on the screen.
More quotes from Marie Windsor
I can’t remember anybody saying, Let’s get this show on the road.
I had to do a tango with Raft and I learned to dance in ballet shoes with my knees bent.
I’d been trying for all of the eight years we’d been married to have a child, and finally I did.
So, I certainly subscribe to what Bette said about acting being very hard work.
I’m 5 9, and there were two stars in my life who didn’t mind that I was taller than they – George Raft and John Garfield.
I knew I had a great figure, but I never regarded myself as beautiful.
Raft told me how to walk with him in a scene: We’d start off in a long shot normal, and about the time we got together in a close-up, I’d be bending my knees so I’d be shorter.
I’d also say having Jack’s son Chris living with us from his 13th year on helped in raising Rick.
But painting can be too lonely… I like being with people too much to have ever made that my life’s work.
In ’48 when I left Metro, I tried to go back to radio, but somehow just didn’t do well at it.
I didn’t know I was doing film noir, I thought they were detective stories with low lighting!
For many years my inherited arthritis had given me problems.
Some actresses seem to thrive on chaos, and I’ve often wondered if they felt they had to be that way in order to perform well?
My forehead is sometimes too high, but bangs could correct this.
I’d say my happiest moment as an actress came when I learned I’d won the Look Magazine Best Supporting Actress Award for 1956 in The Killing.
Regrettably, I do sometimes have to fight a tendency to be bitchy.
I got to know Sterling Hayden fairly well. He was a quiet man, who got more complicated as the years went on.
This has taught me that being pleasant is always so much more productive, for I know well the rewards for being good-natured.
The scene where I took my eyelashes off we did in two takes.
Of course, in later years, I’d studied acting more than ever before – mostly with the late Stella Adler, who was marvelous! – but in my earlier years, I couldn’t afford to do this.
I thought my nose was too prominent so I had this corrected via plastic surgery in 1959.
The way animals were and are abused appalls me to this very day.
Most actors are insecure enough already without having a director who adds to that.
This I regard as a classic example of my not being properly prepared for a part I very much wanted.
It finally became clear to me that they had no hopes of my ever walking again.
Elisha Cook was a darling, and full of the devil. A wired – up little fellow who was always busy, busy, busy.
About that time, stronger features became fashionable on the screen.
For instance, it was very rare for anyone there with dogs to allow them into the house.