The weight that hangs upon our eyelids – is of lead.
More quotes from Mary Chesnut
I do not write often now – not for want of something to say, but from a loathing of all I see and hear. Why dwell upon it?
Mary Chesnut
Forgiveness is indifference. Forgiveness is impossible while love lasts.
Mary Chesnut
I will laugh at the laughable while I breathe.
Mary Chesnut
Brutal men with unlimited power are the same all over the world.
Mary Chesnut
The weight that hangs upon our eyelids – is of lead.
Mary Chesnut
Is anything worth it?
Mary Chesnut
I do not allow myself vain regrets or foreboding.
Mary Chesnut
I am always on the women’s side.
Mary Chesnut
Oh, if I could put some of my reckless spirit into these discreet cautious lazy men!
Mary Chesnut
She died praying that she might die.
Mary Chesnut