I do most of my business on that dirty Internet that you were just talking about, where I find there is a lot of freedom to report exactly what I want.

Meaning of the quote

Matt Drudge, a well-known American celebrity, says he uses the internet a lot to do his work. He says the internet gives him a lot of freedom to report or share whatever information he wants, even if some people may think the internet is not a clean or trustworthy place.

About Matt Drudge

Matt Drudge is an American journalist and the creator/editor of the popular news aggregator website, the Drudge Report. He’s also an author and former radio and television show host, known for his unique reporting style and ability to break major news stories.

More about the author

More quotes from Matt Drudge

I’ve written thousands of stories, started hundreds of news cycles.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

It seems to me we are losing our way in an effort to get the ratings.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

If technology has finally caught up with individual liberty, why would anyone who loves freedom want to rethink that?

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I didn’t go to the right schools, didn’t come from a well-known family, nor was I even remotely connected to a powerful publishing dynasty.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

There’s a danger of the Internet just becoming loud, ugly and boring with a thousand voices screaming for attention.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

There’s nothing more exciting than to watch a story break and grow, and to be the first one to present it to the world.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

A lot of the stories are internal. They leak it to me wanting to get attention, wanting to get that headline. More times than not, I will not give it to them.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I follow my conscience – and this is upsetting to some people, but I maintain the conscience is going to be the only thing between us and communication in the future.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

We have entered an era vibrating with the din of small voices. Every citizen can be a reporter, can take on the powers that be.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

Because I have success, it doesn’t mean I’m part of the mainstream. I’m still an outsider.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

All truths begin as hearsay, as far as I’m concerned.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I want one place I can go that is not going to be lewd, and I’m not sure there is anything left.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

If the first lady is concerned about this Internet cycle, what would she have done during the heyday when there was 12, 13 editions of a paper in one day? What would she have done with that news cycle?

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I never think too far into the future. I’m too busy thinking about tomorrow’s news.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

The Internet feeds off the main press, and the main press feeds off the Internet. They’re working in tandem.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

Not everything I do is gossip or bedroom. To the contrary, I think that’s just an easy label to dismiss me and to dismiss the new medium.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I was first to break the news about the death of Lady Diana. The CNN team couldn’t get into makeup fast enough.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

Television saved the movies. The Internet is going to save the news business.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

The media is comparable to government-probably passes government in raw power.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

Meet them once and you’re innocent; meet them twice and you’re not. So if you see me having drinks again with Harvey Weinstein then, okay, you’ve got me.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I’m not mean.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

Some of the best news stories start in gossip. Monica Lewinsky certainly was gossip in the beginning. I had heard it months before I printed it.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I cover media people the way they cover politicians.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I envision a future where there’ll be 300 million reporters, where anyone from anywhere can report for any reason. It’s freedom of participation absolutely realized.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

There won’t be editors in the future with the Internet world, with citizen reporting. That doesn’t scare me.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

With a modem, anyone can follow the world and report on the world-no middle man, no big brother. I guess this changes everything.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I don’t necessarily think anything on a Web site can have a result.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

You would be amazed what the ordinary guy knows.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

The first step in good reporting is good snooping.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host

I do most of my business on that dirty Internet that you were just talking about, where I find there is a lot of freedom to report exactly what I want.

Matt Drudge

American internet journalist and talk radio host