Filming is repetition and many takes.

Meaning of the quote

Filming a movie is not a one-time thing. It involves doing the same scene over and over again, with many different takes, until the director is satisfied with the final result. The process can be repetitive, but it is necessary to ensure that the actors deliver their best performance and the overall quality of the film is high.

About Max von Sydow

Max von Sydow was a renowned Swedish-French actor who had a prolific 70-year career in European and American cinema, television, and theatre. He received numerous accolades, including Oscar nominations, for his versatile performances ranging from stoic protagonists to villainous roles. Von Sydow is best known for his iconic role as the knight Antonius Block in Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal.

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More quotes from Max von Sydow

All my life I’ve been looking for diversity.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

The more I had to act like a saint, the more I felt like being a sinner.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

The most difficult part of playing Christ was that I had to keep up the image around the clock. As soon as the picture finished, I returned home to Sweden and tried to find my old self. It took six months to get back to normal.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I accept a role only if it’s something I really, really like.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

The offers I get are for grandfathers, uncles – and they often die very quickly in the script.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Playing Christ, I began to feel shut away from the world. A newspaper became one of my biggest luxuries. I noticed that some of my close friends began treating me with reverence.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Playing the role of Christ was like being in a prison. It was the hardest part I’ve ever had to play in my life. I couldn’t smoke or drink in public. I couldn’t.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

In a theater, the part is mine and I can control it as I want to. In the movies, I don’t have direct contact, and I am fighting technical machinery.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Perhaps I scare people. I don’t know why.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Bergman has a very special eye for people. His background taught him to listen and to feel.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

There are those who want to believe but can’t, and there are those who believe as children and it’s no problem for them at all.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

A vacation spot out of season always has a very special magic.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Spielberg knows his craft so well, he can also improvise, and that is a lot of fun.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

The studio rented a house for my wife in Los Angeles under a phony name to keep reporters away. Whenever I wanted to visit her and my children, I would have to sneak in the back door after dark.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

When I finished the role of Christ, I felt as though I’d been let out on parole. A man who has served 18 months isn’t eager to go back to prison.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I don’t believe in devils. Indifference and misunderstandings can create evil situations. Most of the time, people who appear to be evil are really victims of evil deeds.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Movies give me an opportunity to go places. I’m not only a Swede but an American, not just a man of my time, but I’ve been living 2,000 years ago-and not just in a new country, America, but in the Holy Land, too.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Only very rarely are foreigners or first-generation immigrants allowed to be nice people in American films. Those with an accent are bad guys.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Filming is repetition and many takes.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I began imagining scenes in public which some drunk would come up to me and slap me in the face. Nothing like that ever happened, but I often wonder if I would have turned the other cheek.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

If Jesus came back today, and saw what was going on in his name, he’d never stop throwing up.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I just feel I shouldn’t work too much, because there are so many other things to do.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I’m not in retirement. I just don’t want to work so much, and I don’t get that many offers any more.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

In this country, you have movie actors and theatre actors and television actors.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I think English is a fantastic, rich and musical language, but of course your mother tongue is the most important for an actor.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

In Hollywood they usually cast me as villains or priests.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

Producers are not gamblers. They want a good return on their investment.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I remember those days with Bergman with great nostalgia. We were aware that the films were going to be quite important, and the work felt meaningful.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

It’s important to me to work in my own language now and then. I love English, but you can never learn to master a foreign language if you’re not brought up with it.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I’ve never been in a barroom brawl in my life. I just don’t do such things.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

I’m getting too old to play some parts, but I’m still greedy.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)

The idea of working with Steven Spielberg was very attractive. He’s such a master. He knows the language of the camera and of filmmaking, which gives him a great freedom.

Max von Sydow

Swedish-French actor (1929-2020)