The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.
Meaning of the quote
Your life experiences should change how you see the world. If you're 50 years old but still have the same perspective as when you were 20, it means you haven't grown or learned anything new in the past 30 years. This is a waste of valuable time that could have been used to gain new knowledge and understanding.
More quotes from Muhammad Ali
If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.
My way of joking is to tell the truth. That’s the funniest joke in the world.
What keeps me going is goals.
Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
It’s hard to be humble, when you’re as great as I am.
When you are as great as I am it is hard to be humble.
I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.
I know where I’m going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.
I believe in the religion of Islam. I believe in Allah and peace.
When you can whip any man in the world, you never know peace.
I never thought of losing, but now that it’ s happened, the only thing is to do it right. That’s my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life.
Friendship… is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.
A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he’ll never crow. I have seen the light and I’m crowing.
It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don’t let yourself believe it will happen to you.
The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.
I’m not the greatest; I’m the double greatest. Not only do I knock ’em out, I pick the round.
Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams – they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do – they all contain truths.
We have one life; it soon will be past; what we do for God is all that will last.
I know I got it made while the masses of black people are catchin’ hell, but as long as they ain’t free, I ain’t free.
I’ll beat him so bad he’ll need a shoehorn to put his hat on.
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.
I figure I’ll be champ for about ten years and then I’ll let my brother take over – like the Kennedys down in Washington.
My toughest fight was with my first wife.
Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.
The man who has no imagination has no wings.
No one knows what to say in the loser’s locker room.
Frazier is so ugly that he should donate his face to the US Bureau of Wild Life.
If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.
I’m the most recognized and loved man that ever lived cuz there weren’t no satellites when Jesus and Moses were around, so people far away in the villages didn’t know about them.
I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.
To be able to give away riches is mandatory if you wish to possess them. This is the only way that you will be truly rich.
Old age is just a record of one’s whole life.
It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.
It’s not bragging if you can back it up.
A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”
It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.
It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
Boxing is a lot of white men watching two black men beat each other up.
There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people.
I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world.
There are no pleasures in a fight but some of my fights have been a pleasure to win.
Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.
Superman don’t need no seat belt.
I am the astronaut of boxing. Joe Louis and Dempsey were just jet pilots. I’m in a world of my own.
I’m so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark.
Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change.
The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.