The biggest place I look for validation is from my mother. That’s the little girl in me that will never grow up.

Meaning of the quote

Naomi Watts, an English actress, explains that she still looks to her mother for approval and support, even as an adult. She says that part of her will always feel like a little girl who needs her mom's guidance and acceptance. This shows how important the relationship between a parent and child can be, even as the child grows up.

About Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts is a British actress who began her career in Australia before moving to the United States, where she struggled initially but eventually found success. She is known for her roles in remakes and independent films with dark or tragic themes, as well as her portrayals of characters who endure loss or suffering. Watts has received multiple Academy Award nominations and has also appeared in television series such as Twin Peaks and The Loudest Voice.

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More quotes from Naomi Watts

Oh, I’m definitely a wild child.

Naomi Watts

English actress

On set is where I feel comfortable. The red carpet stuff, talking about the film, explaining your own life, it doesn’t come naturally. It’s all necessary stuff I suppose but it’s not my strength.

Naomi Watts

English actress

Pain is such an important thing in life. I think that as an artist you have to experience suffering.

Naomi Watts

English actress

When I had dark hair I definitely felt that I was more anonymous.

Naomi Watts

English actress

Mum put me in drama classes when I was about 14. I’d been going on about it for some time, so maybe it was a way to shut me up.

Naomi Watts

English actress

There’s a set of rules out there somewhere that says it all ends by 40. I hope to be able to defy that because I truly love my work.

Naomi Watts

English actress

I’m not this dark, twisted person. Yes, I have my demons and this is my way of exorcising them. It gets them out – and better out than in.

Naomi Watts

English actress

I always love being in the company of women. It’s all about good conversation and great wine.

Naomi Watts

English actress

I had gotten to a place where I truly believed everything I was called: ‘not sexy,’ ‘not funny,’ ‘too intense,’ desperate.’ All those labels they gave me, I took them because there wasn’t a trace of my true self left.

Naomi Watts

English actress

There was a time I was very much blaming the way I felt on L.A, that it was a vacuum of creativity, of humor or anything organic, and I was really angry at the place. But then today I feel completely different – I love L.A.!

Naomi Watts

English actress

We’re so afraid of death in our culture, but I think if we understand it better, then we’ll appreciate the life we have more.

Naomi Watts

English actress

Whatever is said about roles drying up, I intend to keep working. Certainly now the roles couldn’t be more interesting – playing mothers, divorcees. I think it’s going to be exciting to play a mother of teenagers. The longer your life, the deeper it gets.

Naomi Watts

English actress

If I have to produce movies, direct movies, whatever to change the way Hollywood treats older women, I’ll do it. If I have to bend the rules, I will. If I have to break them, I will.

Naomi Watts

English actress

It’s always nerve-racking to take off your clothes on film. But doing it with a woman felt safer than with a man. You know you can say, ‘Don’t grab me there: That’s where my cellulite is’!

Naomi Watts

English actress

I’m a tomboy now. I always wanted to fit in with my brother’s group, so I climbed trees and played with lead soldiers. But I’m a woman’s woman. I never understood women who don’t have woman friends.

Naomi Watts

English actress

That’s one of the lucky things about getting the success later on. I know how I want to dress, I know what kind of house I want to live in, I just know more about myself, and that’s true about the roles I want to play and what parts of myself I want to express. You’re just more in touch with yourself.

Naomi Watts

English actress

You have to make peace with yourself. The key is to find the harmony in what you have.

Naomi Watts

English actress

It was total naivety that got me to Hollywood. I thought it was going to happen straight away. I told myself ‘give it 5 years, there’s no way I’ll be here after that if it doesn’t happen’. Cut to ten years later!

Naomi Watts

English actress

The biggest place I look for validation is from my mother. That’s the little girl in me that will never grow up.

Naomi Watts

English actress

You won’t find me in a romantic comedy. Those movies don’t speak to me. People don’t come to talk to me about those scripts, because they probably think I’m this dark, twisted, miserable person.

Naomi Watts

English actress

I find myself gravitating towards drama. It interests me. In the books I read, the paintings I like, it’s always the darker stuff.

Naomi Watts

English actress

There’s a lot of skeletons in my closet, but I know what they’re wearing. I’m not gonna act all ashamed of it.

Naomi Watts

English actress