The subject of a good tragedy must not be realistic.

About Pierre Corneille
Pierre Corneillewas a French tragedian. He is generally considered one of the three great 17th-century French dramatists, along with Moliere and Racine.
More quotes from Pierre Corneille
In recounting our woes, we often soothe them.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
The subject of a good tragedy must not be realistic.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Happiness seems made to be shared.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
When there is no peril in the fight there is no glory in the triumph.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
They who overcome their desires once can overcome them always.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
I see, I know, I believe, I am undeceived.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
We never taste a perfect joy; our happiest successes are mixed with sadness.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
We never taste happiness in perfection, our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
After having won a scepter, few are so generous as to disdain the pleasures of ruling.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Each instant of life is a step toward death.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
A first impulse was never a crime.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
We triumph without glory when we conquer without danger.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
One is often guilty by being too just.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
To win without risk is to triumph without glory.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Do your duty and leave the rest to heaven.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
One often calms one’s grief by recounting it.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
The greater the effort, the greater the glory.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Force is legitimate where gentleness avails not.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
It is a crime against the State to be powerful enough to commit one.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
A Victory without danger is a triumph without glory.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Peace is produced by war.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
How delicious is pleasure after torment!
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Self-love is the source of all our other loves.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Deceit is the game of petty spirits, and that is by nature a woman’s quality.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
One half of my life has put the other half in the grave.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who allows me to rule is in fact my master.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who allows himself to be insulted deserves to be.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
To he who avenges a father, nothing is impossible.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
In the service of Caesar, everything is legitimate.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Severity is allowable where gentleness has no effect.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who is hated by all can not expect to live long.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
To conquer without danger is to conquer without glory.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
I agree to, or rather aspire to, my doom.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Oh rage! Oh despair! Oh age, my enemy!
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who does not fear death cares naught for threats.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
To vanquish without peril is to triumph without glory.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Reason and love are sworn enemies.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Brave men are brave from the very first.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
True, I am young, but for souls nobly born valor doesn’t await the passing of years.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Guess, if you can, and choose, if you dare.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
When the patient loves his disease, how unwilling he is to allow a remedy to be applied.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Oh, how sweet it is to pity the fate of an enemy who can no longer threaten us!
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Just vengeance does not call for punishment.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
I have deserved neither so much honor or so much disgrace.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
To take revenge halfheartedly is to court disaster; either condemn or crown your hatred.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Desire increases when fulfillment is postponed.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
It matters more how one gives than what one gives.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
A true king is neither husband nor father; he considers his throne and nothing else.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
It takes good memory to keep up a lie.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Master of the universe but not of myself, I am the only rebel against my absolute power.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Alas, I emerge from one disaster to fall into a worse.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
I don’t know how to defend myself: surprised innocence cannot imagine being under suspicion.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Every man of courage is a man of his word.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
As great as kings may be, they are what we are: they can err like other men.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who forgives readily only invites offense.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
An example is often a deceptive mirror, and the order of destiny, so troubling to our thoughts, is not always found written in things past.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
The crime and not the scaffold makes the shame.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who pardons easily invites offense.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
I would not like a king who could obey.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
This dark brightness that falls from the stars.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
To die for one’s country is such a worthy fate that all compete for so beautiful a death.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
A good memory is needed after one has lied.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who fears not death fears not a threat.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Flee an enemy who knows your weakness.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
One ought to have a good memory when he has told a lie.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
A liar is always lavish of oaths.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Treachery is noble when aimed at tyranny.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Those who easily forgive invite offenses.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Clemency is the noblest trait which can reveal a true monarch to the world.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Ambition aspires to descend.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
I can be forced to live without happiness, but I will never consent to live without honor.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who plays advisor is no longer ambassador.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
My reason, it’s true, controls my feelings, but whatever its authority, it doesn’t rule them so much as tyrannize them.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Love is a tyrant sparing none.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
When we conquer without danger our triumph is without glory.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
My sweetest hope is to lose hope.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
Danger breeds best on too much confidence.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
He who can live in infamy is unworthy of life.
French tragedian (1606-1684)
It is the crime not the scaffold which is the disgrace.
French tragedian (1606-1684)