Your problem is you’re… too busy holding onto your unworthiness.

Meaning of the quote

The quote is saying that your problem is that you spend too much time thinking you are not good enough. You hold on to the idea that you are not worthy, which keeps you from being your best self. Instead of focusing on your flaws, you should try to see the value in yourself and what you have to offer. When you let go of your feelings of unworthiness, you can focus on growth and achieving your goals.

About Ram Dass

Ram Dass, born Richard Alpert, was an American spiritual teacher, psychologist, and author. He helped popularize Eastern spirituality and yoga in the West through his bestselling book ‘Be Here Now’ and other works. Ram Dass had a fascinating life journey, including research with psychedelics at Harvard, becoming a disciple of a Hindu guru in India, and continuing to teach and write until his passing in 2019.

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