I’m open to comments. I’m open to objective points of view, because I’ve been very narrow and very subjective.

Meaning of the quote

This quote means that Richard Donner is willing to listen to other people's opinions and ideas, even if they are different from his own. He admits that he has been focused only on his own perspective, which can be narrow and biased. Now, he wants to be more open-minded and consider different viewpoints in a fair and impartial way.

About Richard Donner

Richard Donner was an acclaimed American film director and producer who directed some of the most successful films of the 1970s and 1980s, including Superman, The Goonies, and the Lethal Weapon series. His 50-year career spanned various genres and influenced many filmmakers around the world.

More about the author

More quotes from Richard Donner

It’s only been a couple of times in my life that I’ve really locked horns with actors. It did not hurt the films, it just hurt the moment of the filmmaking.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I was very lucky. I started my own commercial company.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

It was the beginning of film for television. So we had all of these great opportunities. Northwestern was probably the only major film school of its kind at the time that was graduating anybody important.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

If you had the opportunity and some talent, there was no way you couldn’t progress, because it was an open market. There was the advertising world, and there was the documentary world.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

When I was doing half-hour shows, I loved it and was preparing myself for the hour shows. Then when I did the hour shows, I was preparing myself for the specials and features.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I’m open to comments. I’m open to objective points of view, because I’ve been very narrow and very subjective.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

First cuts are a bitch for a director, because it’s been so many months and you put your trust in your editor and you’re going to see your film assembled for the first time. You look at it and go, This is terrible. I hate it.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

When when my first feature opportunity came along, I wasn’t prepared, but we did it in about 17 days.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

It was just the thrill of a lifetime. Brando and Hackman were two of my heroes.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

With The Omen, I really felt I wasn’t in control. It was panic.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I was tweaked by the idea of Superman immediately.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I was really disappointed that Warner Bros. didn’t think highly enough of my film or my filmmaking to ask me to make the new Superman.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I was an actor… or, at least, I was trying to be an actor.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

How was I going to make a man fly? How was I going to convince the public that an actor could fly?

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

People say, You paid your dues, but I never paid any dues. It’s always been a great trip.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

It’s developing a relationship with actors that makes it work.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

Superman was never previewed because the producers didn’t trust Warners with the film.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I think what some people are doing with effects is starting to get silly. It’s overused.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

Soon it’s all going to be digital anyway. It’s all going to be saved on a little coin somewhere.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

That’s how you get a performance – they put trust in you.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I had life threats, because people accused me of approaching Brando as God and his son was Jesus. I literally had people saying my blood would run in the streets for doing that.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I realized what you could do in motion pictures by surrounding yourself with geniuses.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

In motion pictures, the actor rules. The camera served the actor.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I was painting sets, working in editorial as an assistant, driving their trucks, lying that I knew how to drive a truck, and doing commercials and documentaries.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

It was 1978 when Superman came out, and I kept thinking, Why don’t they do something about it? They’ve done all these crappy attempts at comic book film adaptations. What can we do different? Why don’t we just re-release this thing?

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

When you make a film, you like to run it with an audience. They tell you you’re narrow-minded or subjective, or that seems too long, or that doesn’t work.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

Working with Christopher, he convinced me he could fly, and he’s convinced me he’s going to walk again.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

I’ve always wanted to do a Crichton book. I really love his writing.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)

Some actors just won’t bend, and then it’s a bitch. You either fight or find ways of putting your words in their mouth and letting them say it back at you.

Richard Donner

American film director (1930-2021)