We have a product for sale called news, and I’m a salesman.
Meaning of the quote
Shepard Smith, an American journalist, is saying that news is a product he sells to people. Just like a salesman who tries to convince you to buy something, journalists like Shepard work to get people to pay attention to the news they report. They want people to 'buy' or consume the news they provide.
More quotes from Shepard Smith
We don’t communicate in full sentences anyway. We don’t need all those words.
I look for those moments that are “gee whiz” moments. There’s some “gee whiz” stories in our show, and they can’t be written like A-1 in the Times. They have to be written more like Page 6 in the Post.
The exact time of death, I think, is not something that matters so much at this moment for we will be reliving John Paul’s life for many days and weeks and even years and decades and centuries to come.
We have a product for sale called news, and I’m a salesman.
I need to keep my story count high. I’m trying to get as many stories in my hour as is humanly possible. We’re telling more stories in our hour than any national newscast has in the history of this business, I think.