The rich get richer. Not only because they have surpluses with which to invest, but because of the overriding emotional release they experience from having wealth.

About Stuart Wilde
Stuart Wildewas a British writer. Best known for his works on New Age, self-empowerment, and spirituality, he was also a lecturer, teacher, humorist, essayist, scriptwriter, lyricist, and music producer.
More quotes from Stuart Wilde
In bad times, the rich usually get richer.
English writer (1946-2013)
If you don’t change, reality in the end forces that change upon you.
English writer (1946-2013)
Poverty is restriction and as such, it is the greatest injustice you can perpetrate upon yourself.
English writer (1946-2013)
The rich get richer. Not only because they have surpluses with which to invest, but because of the overriding emotional release they experience from having wealth.
English writer (1946-2013)