Quotes: Curriculum


Charter schools are public schools that operate, to a certain extent, outside the system. They have more control over their teachers, curriculum and resources. They also have less money than public schools.

Maggie Gallagher

American writer

Like everybody at that age, I read an awful lot of pulp fiction. But at the same time, I also read quite a bit of history and read that as much for pleasure as part of a curriculum.

John Hume

Irish politician from Northern Ireland (1937-2020)

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.

Carl Jung

Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist (1875-1961)

In true education, anything that comes to our hand is as good as a book: the prank of a page- boy, the blunder of a servant, a bit of table talk – they are all part of the curriculum.

Michel de Montaigne

French author, philosopher, and statesman (1533-1592)

As I very much liked to draw and paint as a child, I entered a special art program in high school, which was very much like being in an art school imbedded in a regular high school curriculum.

Jerome Isaac Friedman

American physicist

If you improve a teacher’s self-esteem, confidence, communication skills or stress levels, you improve that teacher’s overall effectiveness across the curriculum.

Elaine MacDonald

I began thinking I would do musical theater because in high school that was really the only sort of curriculum they had as far as getting onstage and doing anything that anybody would see. So that’s what I did.

Gretchen Mol

American actress and former model

Instead of a national curriculum for education, what is really needed is an individual curriculum for every child.

Charles Handy

(born 1932) Irish economist

Natures’ curriculum cannot be changed.

Martin Lewis Perl

American scientist

With Michigan’s economic future on the line, we can’t afford to have our 500 local school districts marching in different directions. Instead, we need a high standards, mandatory curriculum to get all our students on the road to higher education and a good paying job.

Jennifer Granholm

United States Secretary of Energy since 2021

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