Quotes: February


February 19, 1942, is the year in which Executive Order 9066 was signed, and this was the order that called for the exclusion and internment of all Japanese Americans living on the west coast during World War II.

Xavier Becerra

United States Secretary of Health and Human Services since 2021

On February 7, 2.2 million Haitians went to the polls and exercised their constitutional right to select a leader. They went by foot, by tap tap and other forms of transportation, traveling hours and standing in line for almost a day to get to their polling places.

Mark Foley

Former Florida politician

The Preparatory Commission held a total of four sessions, the last of which took place just under two years after its creation, from 31 January to 14 February 1967.

Alfonso G. Robles

The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.

William C. Bryant

So all the system was running down and collapsing. Mrs. Thatcher became the leader of the Conservative Party in February 1975, and she clearly wanted to strike out and do something different.

Kenneth Baker

I have to admit, in January and February I was in an absolute fuzz. I had no one on board. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what I was doing, but we didn’t have all the pieces put together.

Donna Shalala

Also, General Zinni, who commanded central command, was very much opposed to the war in the first place, as I was. We were both quoted to that effect in February of 2003.

William Odom

The last time when I handed over information was in February or March 1949.

Klaus Fuchs

German-born British theoretical physicist and atomic spy (1911-1988)

I miss everything about Chicago, except January and February.

Gary Cole

American actor (born 1956)

At that point, which would be around February 2002, they came and they confiscated my computer, because, they said, they were suspecting that I was communicating with certain Senate members and taking this issue outside the Bureau.

Sibel Edmonds

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