Quotes: Military
The military wants a system that protects its policies and privileges.
While our nation faces many challenges that must be met regarding homeland security and our military readiness, it is imperative that we live within our means and wisely spend taxpayer dollars.
We will strengthen our security by building missile defense, restoring our military might, and standing by and strengthening our intelligence officers.
As a former veteran, I understand the needs of veterans, and have been clear – we will work together, stand together with the Administration, but we will also question their policies when they shortchange veterans and military retirees.
The successful establishment of a buffer zone around Fort Carson will provide an example for other bases around the country as we seek to protect the training mission of the U.S. military while preserving critical habitats on our ranges.
I considered myself engaged in a war from Day One. And my objective was to force the federal government – the Kennedy administration at that time – into a position where they would have to use the United States military force to enforce my rights as a citizen.
The day after the prison was transferred to the military intelligence command, they had an entire battalion – 1,200, 1,500 soldiers – arrive at Abu Ghraib just for force protection alone.
So when I got out of the military, I went back to school in biology, and earned a biology degree at the University of Texas, and then did some graduate work in it.
I knew how many MPs I had assigned to the brigade, how many military prison operations I would be running, but we needed to evaluate how many criminal prison operations we could support.
In view of China’s growing military strength and intentions, the best way to safeguard Asia’s permanent peace and prosperity is to have all Asian countries join forces with other democratic countries in the world to form a global community of democracies.