Quotes: Ruin


Our science has become terrible, our research dangerous, our findings deadly. We physicists have to make peace with reality. Reality is not as strong as we are. We will ruin reality.

Friedrich Durrenmatt

Swiss author and dramatist (1921-1990)

I do not let a bad score ruin my enjoyment for golf.

Darrell Royal

American college football player, college football coach, College Football Hall of Fame member (1924-2012)

Most of the time it’s the parents who recognise me. They try to tell their kids, ‘Look, it’s Giselle,’ and I say, ‘No, no, no, don’t ruin this for them,’ because I’m usually standing there with my hair sideways and no make-up on. And the kid is saying, ‘That is not Giselle. No way. That is some worn-out girl who really needs a bath.’

Amy Adams

American actress (born 1974)

I have accepted a seat in the House of Representatives, and thereby have consented to my own ruin, to your ruin, and to the ruin of our children. I give you this warning that you may prepare your mind for your fate.

John Adams

president of the United States from 1797 to 1801

Do not gain basely; base gain is equal to ruin.


ancient Greek poet

No; small timers get into it, and ruin it for everyone.

John Dillinger

American bank robber

He who busies himself with things other than improvement of his own self becomes perplexed in darkness and entangled in ruin. His evil spirits immerse him deep in vices and make his bad actions seem handsome.

Ali ibn Abi Talib

Social security, bank account, and credit card numbers aren’t just data. In the wrong hands they can wipe out someone’s life savings, wreck their credit and cause financial ruin.

Melissa Bean

American politician

Candor and generosity, unless tempered by due moderation, leads to ruin.


Roman historian and senator (c. 56 - c. 120)

Reality continues to ruin my life.

Bill Watterson

American comic artist

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