Quotes: Scotland


I was born in London, and went to school in Scotland – I used to be dead tired when I got home at night.

Norman Wisdom


The Evangelical party in the Church of Scotland will lay all flat if they be not prevented.

Edward Irving


When you hear someone from the very north of Scotland speaking, I think its nice, very musical and harmonious.

Sean Connery


It has long been a fact familiar to geologists, that, both on the east and west coasts of the central part of Scotland, there are lines of raised beaches, containing marine shells of the same species as those now inhabiting the neighbouring sea.

Charles Lyell


While some of them acknowledge the obligation of natural morality in their mode of conducting their cases, and preserve their individual character as gentlemen, there are others who acknowledge no law, human or divine, but the law of Scotland.

George Combe


I met Jack Bruce, one of my heroes, in a studio while doing some recording. England had just beat Scotland in a big football match and I saw Jack trying to break into this refrigerator in the lounge, drunk out of his brain, and I didn’t know what to say.

Andy Partridge


I know there’s some kind of history to mountain music-like it came from Ireland or England or Scotland and we kept up the tradition.

Loretta Lynn


I look upon Switzerland as an inferior sort of Scotland.

Sydney Smith


There’s something fundamentally wrong with a system where there’s been 17 years of a Tory Government and the people of Scotland have voted Socialist for 17 years. That hardly seems democratic.

Sean Connery


Without the shepherd’s dog, the whole of the open mountainous land in Scotland would not be worth a sixpence.

James Hogg


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