Quotes: Ships
We too could wrest iron from the bowels of the earth and fashion it into ships and machines.
We have nine ships and in the next two years will have ten, eleven and twelve. So things are going very nicely and all because of that program that people thought was mindless and so forth.
American actor (1931-2021)
We will build new ships to carry man forward into the universe, to gain a new foothold on the moon and to prepare for new journeys to the worlds beyond our own.
President of the United States from 2001 to 2009
‘The time has come,’ the walrus said, ‘to talk of many things: of shoes and ships – and sealing wax – of cabbages and kings.’
British author and scholar (1832-1898)
Two lives that once part are as ships that divide.
Of whatsoever number a fleet of ships of war is composed, it is usually divided into three squadrons; and these, if numerous, are again separated into divisions.
To send our troops, our ships, our planes to this war is ridiculous.
Australian economist, company director and politician
Australia integrated the – brought on the ships and unleashed in the society the dogs of sectarianism, which had existed in other places – in Glasgow, in Liverpool and of course in Ireland, north and south.
Australian novelist
We used two Princess Cruise ships. The Island Princess and The Pacific Princess. They were identical ships.
American actor (1931-2021)
Why not a space flower? Why do we always expect metal ships?