Quotes: Troops
When I read that the British army had landed thirty-two thousand troops – and I had realized, not very long before, that Philadelphia only had thirty thousand people in it – it practically lifted me out of my chair.
American historian and author
Today they have proven once again that the mainstream media can’t print enough bad news about our troops.
American television host and politician
I don’t think I have been loved by my troops, but I think I have been respected.
United States Army general (1914-2005)
The American taxpayers should not have to send one more penny on the Administration’s Iraq misadventure. Let’s give our troops the supplies they need to get out of Iraq safely. Let’s bring our troops home.
American politician (1929-2019)
It was helpful to have the American troops there in great strength. They knew there’d be consequences if they didn’t move back. Now, there has been some removal of the foreign forces.
U.S. Secretary of State (1925-2011)
For fear of dropping the troops in the sea, the pilots tended to drop them too far inland – some of them actually in the British lines. The weapon containers often fell wide of the troops, which was another handicap that contributed to our excessive casualties.
German Luftwaffe general
The blood and sweat shed by United States and United Nations troops proved to be the prime mover behind the realisation of freedom throughout the post-war period.
The Bush administration works closely with a network of rapid response digital brownshirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for ‘undermining support for our troops.’
Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 (born 1948)
Now that our troops are mired in a dangerous effort to defeat the insurgency and are also trying to help rebuild the country, Americans of all political persuasions simply want the United States to succeed and our troops to be as safe as possible.
American politician (1939-2021)
Make no mistake, our troops will be in Afghanistan and Iraq for a long time.
American politician