Quotes: Work


Our work is a scream of freedom.



But since September 11, we have made every effort to try to work closely with state and local law enforcement.

Robert Mueller


Part of the work is determining through what instrument you are playing. Actors are physical, olympian storytellers and we should be able to create entire landscapes with nothing.

Ajay Naidu


The more commercial work that is happening, the more people are operating cameras and are setting up studio lights, the greater the opportunity for drama production to happen.

Ann Macbeth


My first two books are out of print and, okay, they can sleep there comfortably. It’s early work, derivative work.

Mary Oliver


I’m just starting to realize the type of work that I want to do. Not everyone can fit into the sitcom world because it’s so fast-paced, but it feels comfortable to me.

Brooke Shields


I had to do this very aggressive, big score in a very short time, and knowing that in the beginning, middle, and end would be this very, very famous theme, but I still had to weave a score around it and make it work as a score was really challenging.

Danny Elfman


Most independent filmmakers in Britain and North America work for commercial crews and then have their own projects when they’ve got enough money saved up to do so.

Ann Macbeth


The campaign is over. It’s time for the work of governing to begin.

Tom Daschle


Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best.

Michael Johnson


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