Quotes: Writers
Virginia Woolf said that writers must be androgynous. I’ll go a step further. You must be bisexual.
novelist, poet, screenwriter, activist
Writers in repressive societies are considered dangerous. That’s why so many of them are in jail.
American novelist, playwright and essayist
Between us and the writers, it was comedy hour the whole time. We could hardly get through it.
What we need is more women writers, writing for older women. There are some actresses who have production companies and create their own material, and I truly admire that.
American actress
Writers have to have a knack for listening. I need to be able to hear what is being said to me by the voices I create.
English writer
Neophyte writers tend to believe that there is something magical about ideas and that if they can just get a hold of a good one, then their futures are ensured.
American writer
Writers who have nothing to say always strain for metaphors to say it in.
American writer
Writers are a little below clowns and a little above trained seals.
From my close observation of writers… they fall into two groups: 1) those who bleed copiously and visibly at any bad review, and 2) those who bleed copiously and secretly at any bad review.
There are plenty of clever young writers. But there is too much genius, not enough talent.
English writer (1894-1984)